Bandit A&R Newsletter could change your life! You only need to find ONE musicindustry executive to like and sign your music to set out on a new life that will hveimmeasurable consequences! Bandit Newsletter can provide you with the namesand contact details of hundreds of those people over the coming months.If you are at all serious about finding deals for your music, investing justONE POUND (that’s just US$1.55) to get the full details of all thefollowing companies, that have told me in the last couple of weeks, thatthey are ready to sign a new project should be a no-brainer!If you are sitting on commercial music that you have produced why wouldn’t youpresent it to the guys who can potentially invest in it and bring it to the marketusing all their experience and contacts. Don’t settle for continuing obscurity whena single phone call or email to the right person could start to change your life!Sign up for a Bandit A&R Newsletter subscription today for an initial payment ofjust one pound and you will receive the new SEPTEMBER PDF issue within24 hours PLUS the OCTOBER issue, with another completely new set ofopportunities, as soon as it comes out on 1st October. Once you have hadthose, you can decide to let the subscription run at 9 pounds a month or cancelbefore the first real payment.Sign up now at that and I’ll also send you the last 3 back issues as well !!Here is a run down of what is in the OCTOBER issue for youPSYCHEDELIC ROCK act wanted by this UK LABEL which has been established for over 20 years and is well known for releasing several major ROCK acts.
POP/DANCE singers wanted by UK LABEL based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is two years old and is hoping to release six records over the next year. At present they have just a single act signed and a couple more under consideration. Director, Niall, tells me that now is the time to pitch for one of his planned release slots! Niall says his label has already achieved a top 500 spot on I-Tunes and play-listing on a number of local radio stations. The label realases digitally and on limited edition CDs and offer mainly one song deals to begin with. Niall is looking for featured artists for POP/DANCE collaborations and exceptional vocalists from anywhere in the world. Submit by email only
ELECTRO POP and INDIE ROCK material is sought by this UK PUBLISHER/SYNC AGENCY which has the longest running independent film and television music library resource in the world having been in business for over 100 years. Its catalogue is a thing of legend, a vast collection of instantly recognisable and iconic tracks that have helped shape popular culture. If you’ve ever seen The Restoration Man, The Great Escape, Fisherman’s Apprentice, The Simpson’s Movie, Brokeback Mountain, Dawn of The Dead, American Gangster, Eastenders, or Top Gear, then you’ve heard some of their music. My contact, Struan, says he is interested in auditioning new writer/producers for the library especially producing music in the ELECTRO POP and INDIE ROCK areas. To have any chance of acceptance your submission must be of the highest quality in all respects. Please submit on CD only.
FILM/TV, INDIE and ALTERNATIVE producers, composers and artists are wanted by this UK MANAGEMENT CO. Paul tells me he is looking for UK based people who can deliver stylistically diverse and ground breaking material for Film/TV and also artists to work with their producers as new management clients. The company has been established for nine years and has a total of seven management clients at the moment. There is also an associated label. If you are confident you can bring some innovative new material to the party please email Paul to give him a flavour of what you can offer.
SOUL / POP / FUNK / R&B vocal talent required by UK MANAGEMENT CO. I have been talking to Des this month who told me he is planning a new label and is still looking for a great singer. The companyC was established to provide an outlet for both the Artist Management and Publishing interests of Des and his extensive portfolio of original songs. Des has considerable experience having worked as a professional singer, songwriter and saxophonist with a variety of acts. Des is seeking to offer a management deal to a truly talented 16 – 23 year old Male or Female singer with excellent pitch, really good looks, intelligence and personality to perform and record Des’s catchy, original songs, leading to a recording deal with a major, or other well established label that can achieve international chart success.
ALL GENRES of act are of interest to this UK LABEL run by a dedicated team of music lovers. They have the ability to distribute records world-wide, manage acts and also promote gigs, events and acts. Owner, Don, says he only works with bands that excite him and are prepared to work hard through a determined drive to find success and make it happen. Don also announces that they are about to start working with a world-wide publisher and also open a US office, prior to organising a US tour for their artists in 2013. Please email with access to some of your tracks and a history of what you have done on the gig front over the last year.
POP, ROCK and R&B talent from anywhere in the world is wanted by a new UK MANAGEMENT CO which has many strategic contacts in the industry including being affiliated to such groups as MMF (Music Managers Forum) and TUG. Talent Scout, Lauren, says they are looking for the finest talent globally with the aim to advance the careers of quality artists that have yet to be showcased to the worldwide industry and elevate them to highest calibre of excellence.
ALL GENRES are in the frame at this UK COMPANY encompasses management, label and publishing functions. It was formed about 2 years ago by the person who signed Elbow, Stereophonics, Mercury Rev and Paul Weller! David tells me that he has already signed 4 acts but is looking for a couple more. David has a pretty broad view when it come to genre but is only interested in getting involved with artists who are looking to develop a quality, long term, music career. If that sounds like you, maybe you can help David build h
is label into a major force in the business! Kick things off with an email containing a link to your site or an mp3 etc. Submissions welcome from anywhere!ALL GENRES can pitch to this UK MANAGER who has been managing acts for over ten years in association with a prominent Brighton Entertainment lawyer. He is interested in taking on a new artist in ANY commercial genre. To be considered, submissions from UK based acts should be through a CD/package in the POST.
HOUSE and TRANCE acts and producers are wanted by this UK LABEL that looks to promote up and coming producers and give them an opportunity to get their material released. They work with one of the biggest distribution companies to help deliver artists releases to the right stores and Promo pools. Even though the label only came to fruition in 2010 already they have had some great feedback and support. The label’s artists come from all over the globe and deliver the best in their fields of music excellence.. Email them now!
DANCE to JAZZ, WORLD to HIP HOP, SOUL to ROCK. This UK LABEL covers them all. The company was created by a dedicated team of music lovers, graphic artists and fashion designers. The big idea was to bring all the elements of their club lifestyle under one roof. The Music arm of the empire has been in development for the last ten years, during which they have built a state-of-the-art recording studio (available for hire at great rates!) and an interesting music cafe to hang out in. Most importantly they have been finding, developing and supporting original talent across a expansive range of musical styles. Please submit by sending a link to your music etc by email:
ALL GENRES are of interest to this UK LABEL. Their team are constantly scouting the streets, venues and internet to find the real talent. They are open on genre – if any of the team enjoy what they hear they will support it 100%. The company encompasses a Label, PR, Management, Agency, Promotions, online Blog and has been set up for just a year. Their growing roster of incredibly talented artists are currently in the Agency section of the company and some of them will go out on the label once it is launched in the near future. Submissions can be by MP3/links in an email – quick and easy, although CD’s are fine.
JAZZ & ROCK to HIP-HOP / URBAN, DANCE, ORCHESTRAL material wanted by UK SYNC AGENCY. It is a new online music production library looking for music to be placed in Film, TV, Commercials, Promos Trailers, Games and commercial productions worldwide. They have secured distribution through a number of major outlets including high profile film companies and major broadcast houses. Before the planned launch in January 2013, they need to license large amounts of high quality sounds and are currently seeking specialist composers, producers and artists who are interested in adding to their library.
LEFTFIELD DANCE and BREAKBEAT acts and tracks are sought by this UK LABEL which has a roster of over 20 established acts. My contact, Adam, tells me they are always on the look out for exciting new talent and original vocalists to work on some upcoming production projects. Submissions are preferred on CD.
R&B or mainstream POP/ ROCK artists are wanted by this UK MANAGEMENT CO with label and publishing offshoots and strong links into Major labels. MD, Julian, started the company after working 18 years at Creole Records. Julian’s set up includes a stable of top producers who can develop the very best tracks from the artists they take on. The most important quality apart from talent of course that Julian demands is 100% commitment to hard work to make it happen! Julian is looking for another great artist in the R&B or mainstream POP/ ROCK areas. – demo’s over by post or email.
INDIE, PUNK, or WORLD Music music built on real substance and commitment, song writing and musicianship, whether saying something of importance of the world we live, in all its complexities, or sounds that express the uniqueness of being human and global cultures, is what is required at the UK LABEL. Matthew, the company director, having a strong interest in music, established the project with the core aim of supporting new and emerging artists and bands with strategic long-term career development and acting as a creative platform to support, nurture and develop their music and business. Semd him an email!
ROCK, POP & URBAN acts are the main focus of this US LAW FIRM that places talent. Ben has worked with many gold and platinum recording acts, producers and songwriters over the years. All styles of music are dealt with but with a focus on ROCK, POP & URBAN. Ben shops deals and negotiate contracts worldwide and is very interested to hear Hit acts, mostly bands/groups that write their own material, tour, have a strong online presence, and that are young and committed.
ROCK ACTS are what this US LABEL deal in. They have been established for 20 years and distribute throughout the world! Vice President, Michael tells me they have three acts signed at present. There are Label and publishing departments and Michael says the company is well financed and able to invest in an exciting new US based act that regularly play live and enjoy it and can bring top class writing and energy to the table. Michael asks that you submit with a CD and supporting package in the mail.
CHRISTIAN and COUNTRY material from anywhere in the world is of interest to this US PUBLISHER. The catalogue contains many gems of songs dating back to the 1970’s era of country music. In 25 years running the company, Bill has been the recipient of many awards for his contributions to Country Music. Publishing administrator, Matt, says they are interested in material from anywhere in the world and will offer single song deals to writers with top quality commercial tunes. Please complete the submission form on the web-site.
HIT POP songs are needed by this US LABEL / PUBLISHER. Curtis has been in the business since 1984 so has lots of experience across all functions. Curtis’ focus is international so he welcomes top class submissions from writers from anywhere in the world who can supply commercial “HIT POP”. No other styles will be considered. Send only 1 mp3 to:
ALL KINDS OF MATERIAL are needed by this US PUBLISHER / SYNC AGENCY currently looking for a variety of both vocal and instrumental music. They specialize in placing music into Television Shows, Film, Ads, Video Games etc. and have great success in doing so. The following styles of music are needed: – Sound Design Elements & Hybrid Score for film trailers – Comedy cues in a variety of styles – Various Styles Of Latin Music – Pop & Rock instrumentals – Hip Electronic Music. Please send a link to your music online. Must be mixed well and mastered to be considered.
METAL ACTS and others can be helped by this US MANAGERwho is a scout for a company that release and distributes METAL music throughout the USA and Europe. If you have a gigging METAL band send Don a sample of what you do! Don is also Music Industry Consultant seeking select new artists for US & Canadian tour bookings, song critiques and free industry consulting sessions/career guidance via telephone and email and as a liaison to award-winning producers and label / publisher contacts. Artists must have a budget to apply for and travel to showcases for North American touring opportunities for and album production opportunities.
BAND wanted by US MANAGEMENT CO located in Cleveland, Ohio. They work with up and coming unsigned bands focusing on marketing, promotions, consulting and more. Quenton is looking for a hard working band mainly from the USA but international acts have been taken on in the past, for a development deal that will take them to the next level. Email to submit
SS songs are wanted by this US PUBLIHER based in Nashville. Although this is a newer company, it is not without major connections. President, Keith, tells me “We have years of music experience, and we know what the industry wants, because we are in contact with them on a regular basis”. Whilst the sounds and style of country music may change over time, the essential ingredients of a strong but simple melody coupled with meaningful lyric remain constant. If you feel you have a great song, send Writer Relations director, Rob T, an mp3 via email and he will certainly respond if it’s what he’s looking for.Try this service!ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A REASONABLY PRICED RADIO PLUGGER for your next release? We are an independent plugging company who specialize in helping new artists get their music to Radio Stations in the UK (BBC & ILR). We can’t guarantee airplay but we promise to chase up the radio stations we send your CD to and get feedback. For a price guide or other enquiries please email Lesley Young at [email protected]Don’t just look, get involved and pitch to these hot targets for your material.Sign up now at Waterman, editorBandit Publications Ltd
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