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What to do when the news isn't good. Audition Blues :-(

What to do when the news isn't good. Audition Blues :-(

As you are probably aware I am a red head, so the first obligatory thing that I do when the news isn’t good is to
‘Blow My Top!!!!!!!!

Once I’ve managed to scrape myself off the ceiling and calm down, I start to look at the situation properly.

There are many and varied reasons why the answer may be ‘NO’ after an audition, the key is to not let it affect your self belief.

You know that you work really hard to hone your act, to be as professional as possible, to appeal to your target audience as much as possible and that your act is good. All your audiences cannot be wrong!

The thing to remember in showbiz is that the people doing the auditionning will always have an agenda that you are not privy to. That’s the nature of business in general not just show business. People who need to know the agenda are privy to it, and those who are not deemed to be in the loop, so to speak, are not informed of the agenda. They may be working to a marketing specification that your act simply doesn’t fit. This does not mean to say that over night your act has suddenly gone from getting standing ovations with your audiences to suddently being ‘Rubbish’. It just means that on that occasion the people making the decisions could not see the fit between your act and their current needs.

Another thing to do is to try to be an honest critic. By that I don’t mean criticise your performance, I mean to critique it. The best way to do this is to have someone video you doing it, if at all possible. I know this may be a little cringe worthy at first but actually re watching your performances and reviewing them honestly and regularly will make you a better performer and it will get easier and easier each time you do it.

There are 2 possible outcomes from this honest critique process.

1. You can see from the video evidence why they said no. In which case get back to the drawing board and make improvements.

2. The video evidence once scrutinised, backs up your opinion that you did a great job. If this is the case then, you simply have to put the audition down to experience and get on with the next one.

The key is to just keep pushing forward! there will always be another opportunity for you round the corner. Nobody really ever speaks to you about how to deal with rejection but the thing is to NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY! Just be very business like, very matter of fact. Make changes where changes are necessary or not as the case may be and then just get on with the SHOW.

At the end of the day you can either decide to waste a couple of weeks licking your wounds or;  just dust yourself off, pick yourself up and start all over again, with the next project.

Enjoy the journey, believe in yourself and JUST get on with it. You’re worth it.
Sarah x


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