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What's the difference between a Wannabe and a Gonnabe? Top Vocal Coach Manchester

What's the difference between a Wannabe and a Gonnabe? Top Vocal Coach Manchester

The trappings associated with the Celebrity lifestyle are such that there are many people who long for the sort of success that they see their idols having. The reality of the situation however is always different to how it is perceieved by the masses. Don’t forget there are sacrifices that need to be made when ‘Fame’ comes knocking on your door.

Have you ever stopped to think what it would be like to loose you annonimity?

If you have taken the time to build up your inner self, your emotional strength; then you may be able to deal with it from a very grounded place. If however, you are not grounded nor emotionally strong, you may find yourself believing what is written in the gutter press and actually thinking that it matters.

The only way you can ever truely hope to make it big and stay there nowadays is to truely prepare yourself for success.
You would not comtemplate going into the boxing ring with the world heavyweight champion if you had not trained long and hard in order to stand a chance of coming out alive. Likewise it would be silly to think that you could adequately deal with fame without first developing a strong sense of self belief and accepatance that is necessary to cope with such a public role.

Even if you are the best singer, magician, comedian etc…. in the world and everybody you meet says so…
You will not succeed unless you start taking your success seriously!

If you want to be a star you need to start acting like a star (easy) and feeling like a star (hard).

How can I start to feel like a star? I hear you ask.

I am sorry to say that there is no easy way around this but it’s actually a gradual process. You have to work at it! If you end up with fame before you are ready, it can have cataostrophic consequences. Just look at a very recent example like Amy Winehouse. Do you really aspire to live a life like hers? Yes you might appreciate her music but would you really want to live like she does. Such a CHAOTIC lifestyle.

She is not yet grounded! she has  not yet found her inner peace nor an accepatable level of self love.

How can i get this level of inner peace / self love?

My answer is to read good stuff!

What does that mean?
What good stuff?

Well just like if you wanted to be a professional boxer you would train your body every day in order to make sure it was at its peak for the fight. Likewise in the realm of The Crazy world of Entertainment you need to really equip your
‘soft’ self (by that I mean your emotions, perceptions, thoughts, beliefs) with coping mechanisms, to deal with whatever is thrown at you.

I am assuming that you would like to achieve a level of Fame and still be considered to be a likeable person and not to loose yourself in the process.

Don’t underestimate the power of self knowledge; the good bits and the bits that could really do with a bit of development. The key is to be carrying out this analysis from a fundamental place of self LOVE. So that you can critique your performances instead of criticising them. There are enough wolves out there ready to put you down in this industry; just make sure you are not one of them.

If you want to find out more about how you can really get your act together in the entertainment business then please just enter your name and email address in the boxes on the right hand side of this blog.
It’s free so why not give it a try?

Sarah Dennis
The Darling of Showbiz


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